The best way to find a top affiliate marketing mentor is to listen to the students, and I mean the ones who have done the work and been successful, not the quitters. I am here to tell you that as of this writing, I found my affiliate marketing mentor seven years ago and I have never looked back. So, what makes a good affiliate marketing mentor and why should you listen to me? First of all, I came from a successful 20 plus year investment banking career. I wasn’t looking for a quick buck, I was looking for serious skills from top trainers. Most of all, I wanted mentors and not a training platform that gave me tools and sent me on my way. I wanted that support and guidance. I never had that as an investment banker and I knew the importance of that support. Most affiliate marketers or online businesses fail because they just don’t know why things aren’t working and no one is there to assist. Only live mentors can tell you what works to get you past the hurdles. I left a substantial career to go into digital marketing, so I know this industry well.
Second of all, I am one of the top affiliate marketers thanks to DOING what I was told works and keeping at it. I see a lot of people out there throwing around numbers that make no sense about what you can do with their training. You have heard ‘if it seems to good to be true?’ Well, that statement still stands. Learning ANY business and making it successful takes real dedication, learning, adapting and persistence. No mentor can teach you that and I see so many people wanting someone else to do the work for them. That, my friend, is your responsibility. Being an affiliate marketer or any digital business owner takes your effort and an awesome mentor who will guide you. I found my mentors, and I put in the work. It paid off. If you see reviews from quitters, I suggest that you move on. I want to hear from successful people who understand what it takes and will share their honesty. So, like it or not, I am going to share my honest opinion here.
I didn’t know what affiliate marketing was when I started. I just wanted to get skills so that I could create an online business instead of a traditional one. Traditional businesses are tough to maintain and grow. They require staffs, oversight, and long hours in addition to a chunk of capital investment. I already owned my consultant business and I was tired of chasing clients. I knew that I could reach massive markets on line to attract the right customers who would come to me. No more chasing and no more being confined to a desk. That made so much more sense. When I found out that affiliate marketing simply meant promoting other people’s products (the ones I chose), a light bulb went off. It was brilliant! I didn’t have to create anything. I just had to make sure that I promoted value to the public. Of course, great marketing skills are needed and that is where a mentor comes in. My life changed and I have traveled all over the world while earning and loving what I do. It doesn’t get any better. It is all thanks to my training from the best of the best. You don’t quit investment banking and invest in a useless education for seven years and write an article like this. I found the best.
Affiliate marketing is highly competitive mostly because most marketers don’t know what they are doing. The industry is loaded with opportunities but most marketers out there have no idea what it takes. They think they can just put out any kind of promotion and make money. It doesn’t work that way. Affiliate marketing is a business just like any other. It takes planning and skills. You can only get that through learning from others who have succeeded, yet I see people cutting corners by not investing in their own education. That is a big mistake. No one can become a surgeon or CPA or even an athlete without first class training. So why would you attempt anything worth building without it? Get the training. Learn from the best. Invest in you, your future, and that income and freedom you seek. That is what successful people do.
Something that we don’t talk about that I think is critical, is ethics and values. Chasing money wreaks of dishonesty and is a ‘what can I get’ mentality. The mentors that I work with give a hoot about their students. They are ethical, honest, and caring. I know because I have worked with them for seven years. I have seen other training platforms come and go, but we are still here and flourishing. That comes down to doing the right thing.
If you are trying to find the dirt on any of the training systems, you’ll find negative reviews every time. That is because marketers are trained to disrespect others in order to drive business to themselves. We don’t do that. That is the old way of doing business that will always bite you in the butt. I learned not only how powerful affiliate marketing is, but how to create ANY successful online business and I have done that. I have multiple revenue streams coming from my own businesses that I love and believe in. I bring value to the world and I do it well. I only promote products and services that I use and believe in, that bring value to others and the planet. That is a pretty great way to live.
Best of all, I have total freedom because I quit that investment banking job that gave me heart palpitations. I have an entire team that works with me every day, my mentors, so I am not alone. I have trusted mentors who are patient with me and I am even a guest trainer/mentor myself now. I found a home and I hope you find yours too. If you want to find out who we are and what we do, you can check it out for yourself for free. Find out what the actual students have to say. Or you can read the garbage out there from people who have never taken the courses of the platforms they trash. That is all part of the sales game that I won’t play.
I am part of an amazing education system that is changing lives. It’s not just affiliate marketing training but an education that is creating coaches, eCommerce owners, and people getting skills so that they can secure contracts online. If that sounds interesting then find out first hand yourself if it is for you. You can start with a free video series and then a risk free trial. What do you have to lose? You will only gain more information that allows YOU to make up your own mind. Come on over and you will see me there, mentoring the students who join because I am proof that it works. Click to learn more and if you don’t like it then you can easily unsubscribe And if you want to find out what else I have done with this training that is changing the world, visit me here