Chances are that you are spending a lot of time on the internet, especially since our self-isolation. The world is online like never before and advertisers are talking to you at every turn from YouTube to Facebook which means that you have no doubt seen promotions for online business training from people like Tony Robbins about coaching, to starting an Ecommerce store, to starting an online business from scratch. You’ve seen them, telling you how you can work from home and earn money online. No matter what you current career or job status, it may look very tempting to check out these opportunities, and I assure you that they ARE amazing opportunities. But which are actually solid offers or the best for you, and how do you begin to choose if you have no experience in the digital marketplace? Allow me to give you some guidance on “Why start an online business.”
I was in your shoes. Six years ago as of this article, I had no idea what starting an online business meant. I was in a reputable career (investment banking, which may be disputed by some!), and in what should have been the best years both financially and career-wise, except it wasn’t. I wasn’t happy and I realized that all of those years of hard work weren’t paying off the way I thought they would. I was working harder, chasing clients, and frankly I didn’t love the financial industry. I somehow ‘fell’ into it and here I was, almost 25 years later, wondering where it all end. I didn’t like what my options were. In fact there really weren’t any. I had an education, experience, and couldn’t think of anything else I’d like to do to earn an income other than the things people tell you that you CAN’T do to make a living, like writing. Everything I imagined doing seemed unrealistic, but the alternative seemed worse. It was time for me to make a change.
We often don’t make important decisions until we are pushed to do so. Loss of a job, relationship, death and things like our current global crisis is usually what it takes for us to recognize that how we are living makes no sense. That was the case for me. There is a chance that you are feeling that big change is necessary right now because none of us wants the outside world to dictate our happiness or most of all, our income. But that is exactly what is going on. It was for me until I saw an ad on YouTube that resonated with me in a way never before. It was about starting an online business and as an investment banker it made perfect sense. The question was, WHAT kind of online business and with WHO and HOW!
Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling and stop thinking. I’ve done a lot of things in my life that didn’t work out as I planned. We all have and we spend way to much time stressing about it. A lot of people out there (you may be one) have tried the online business ‘thing’ with no success. That wasn’t me. I wasn’t looking for a quick payout, I was looking for solid training that would allow me to choose how I would use it to create that life I desired. I wanted to choose what I promoted because so often I didn’t believe in what I was offering in the past. I wanted people who had morals and ethics who would guide me and give a hoot about me. I wanted the potential to use my training in a way that would achieve BIG goals that not everyone desires. Most of all, I wanted to learn from highly successful people in the online business field who would supply the kind of support I never had as an investment banker. I found it.
The question ‘why an online business’ was answered. With the right skills, it would give me freedom to make my own decisions and to be responsible for my own success. It took away the ‘sales’ part of chasing clients that I dreaded. It replaced that with being someone who offered real value and who could make a difference on the planet. Starting an online business isn’t about the money. It’s about a lifestyle, how you feel about yourself and what you offer the world. That cannot be achieved unless you find the kind of people and training that thinks like you do. Otherwise, you will find yourself right back in the matrix that just wants to make a buck.
We know from the loss of freedom we are experiencing, that it is time to make better choices. We know that people matter and how we treat one another is important. You don’t need to know much about online business training to know which direction to go. It is time to start listening to your heart and to go with your gut. They will never let you down. You can’t make a mistake that way and no matter what you do in life, you are always moving in the right direction when you are learning and expanding toward a life you truly desire. I found that life, that training, those people and it has been a game changer. I wrote a best selling book which was turned into a television movie. I launched two online business that help others and I am a YouTube influencer. I never have to chase down clients. Instead, they come to me. I earn more than I ever did, I feel good about what I offer the world, and I love the people who taught me the skills to create that life.
Everyone should love life, even when it challenges us. And it WILL challenge us. How amazing would it be to launch that online business and step away from everything that isn’t working? It is possible. It will take your time, attention and dedication, but you can make it happen. Are you ready to join that movement? It awaits you and all that is required is that you say ‘Yes!’ Then stop dreaming and make it happen! (want more info on how I turned everything around CLICK HERE for free information).